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1. Seedling expansion (Growth)

Prior to grafting, the two separate cactus flowers are grown for 6 months

2. Preparation of the two parts

The green stems are cut into two different sizes of 9cm, 14cm, and the red flower is grafted on top

3. Grafting of cactus


The 9cm, 14cm green stems are grafted to the colorful heads and secured for 7-10 days using technology brought from S. Korea

Click through the slideshow below by hovering over the photos. Left: 9cm grafting/ right: 14cm grafting

4. Planting of grafted flowers

Post-graft, the flowers are planted in the greenhouses and left to grow for 4-5 months

The 9cm plants grow 3-3.5cm after 4 months, 14cm plants grow 5-5.5cm after 5 months

COA Flowers distinguishes plants grown for re-sampling and for export, helping to guarantee high quality products

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